This post started as a comment to Rani's previous post. So if you have not had the pleasure of reading it, do it now, then come back.
Jesus had a barbecue once. He only used two fish and five loaves of bread and fed 5,000 people. He probably served wine too. By my logic, that makes Jesus and Hilary Clinton one and the same. Going further, Mitt Romney said that Jesus and Satan were brothers (or something to that effect). In the mid 1990's, Republicans were calling Bill Clinton the devil, a.k.a. Satan. THEREFORE: If Bill really is Satan, that means he is the anti-Christ and doesn't the anti-Christ have to rise to power before Jesus returns? He has already risen (twice).
Lando's Conclusion: If anyone wants Armageddon and the Rapture, they should vote for Hilary Clinton. If, perhaps, you are a sinner and do not want me to be spirited to my maker, then these are your flawed choices.
The Sinners:
1. John Edwards: His blue-collar stories from the trial courtroom will make you sympathize with all of the blue-collar factory workers who now work in
2. Barack Obama: He grew up in
The False Prophets:
1. Mitt Romney: Will do all he can to prohibit the things that make you feel good. Like drugs and coffee.
4. John McCain: I almost forgot him. He suffered so much during his tortuous stay at the Hanoi Hilton that he can't even fully bend and extend his right arm. Do you really want a commander in chief that can't salute the troops? I didn't think so.
So, you decide. Then stay on your couch because it's easier to watch the election on tv.
It's apparently comment-spawning-post day.
I love the logic here.
I'm not sure Hillary would allow for bread, you know. After all, it's not on the Atkins Diet.
If it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. Atkins was a sinner for denying people the manna.
If Jesus was running for president, he'd lose by 50%. A swarthy long-haired hippie jew? That doesn't play in the heartland.
Even Giuliani beats Jesus in the heartland. He may sin but at least he kills terrorists. Jesus probably forgives them.
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