Saturday, January 5, 2008

Dem Debate: Slam Book Style

Charlie Gibson asks, "What do you wish you hadn't said in a debate?"

Hillary: Waffles, no comment.

Richardson: Claimed to love a U.S. Supreme Court justice who opposed Roe v. Wade. Bo-oring.

Edwards: "I made a horrendous mistake of teasing Hillary about her jacket. And I want her to know--you look terrific tonight."

Obama: Lots of words, no substantial comment.

This pretty much sums up tonight's debate. Who do you think is the winner?


Salil said...

Man, he sure overused the term "entrenched interests," though.

And he sure played up how he fought 'em. He fought 'em on the beaches of Normandy. And in the...trenches...of...the Somme. He...ah, forget it.

It came to me way late that we should have made it into a drinking game. Candidate Catch Phrases! Anytime a candidate uses the same phrase three times without any deviation in wording, you have to do a shot.

We'd be wasted in about 25 minutes, I'm sure.

Roopika Risam said...

More like 25 seconds!