Saturday, January 5, 2008

Edwards: No Nukes! Hillary: I'm Gay

As in happy. Hillary is very, very...happy.

Edwards can now be the biggest leftist on stage without Kucinich and Gravel. God bless it! Why is Bill Richardson here, by the way?


Roopika Risam said...

Perhaps Richardson is there to make everyone else look more handsome.... Especially Hil.

Snarff said...

Who is more bloated, Richardson or the Senator from NY?

Rani of Kuch Nahi said...


Anonymous said...

How dare you call Hillary Gay!

Roopika Risam said...

Go away, Donna Shalala. I know you weren't really qualified to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services! Suspicious....

Anonymous said...

I know a lot about "Human Services" if you know what I mean, Roobie

Roopika Risam said...

Hope you know a lot about dental dams too!

Anonymous said...

Even I'm not that into health. Ever since Hill stopped sleeping w/Bill (and Valtrex, which I helped pioneer) she's been virually outbreak free.