Someone I know posted a message which indicated that one could not call herself a feminist if she didn't vote for Hillary. I found this statement completely appalling. I told her as much. A mild debate ensued, and she finally gave up when I suggested that a feminist might, you know, actually think about *all women* (to say nothing of all people!). Is Hillary Clinton good for *all women*? I don't think so. Maybe glass-ceiling-breaking professional women and corporate women in particular. But does she care about working-class women? She doesn't appear to care about working-class people at all. Some other people--including avowed feminists--jumped in to agree that her original statement was offensive. Am I a feminist? Well, I believe that there should be equality between all sexes (and ethnicities, class-status, etc.), so I guess so. Do I believe that Hillary is the best choice? No.
And neither do the women of South Carolina.
John Edwards made a third place showing, and he is vowing to stay in the race. Is this a good plan? Well, I think it is. Perhaps he'll have some kingmaker-style leverage at the convention--though since I just don't understand this "superdelegate" business, who knows. But his presence calms me. And anyone who can calm me is good in my books.
So now Obama has won Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina...I know he'll only get the delegates from the first and last but still...
ABC--anybody but Clinton. I still think America is making a mistake by not electing Edwards but money talks, yet again.
He's showing some pretty strong signs so far. I'm very curious to see how he fares during Super Tuesday. His poll standings have changed to be more positive since before the primaries in those states. I guess this is what they mean by "momentum."
HRC isn't out of the running yet. Super Tuesday is going to be a hell of a day.
i don't care much for mrs. Clinton. she's not right for anyone, and Romney supports: "enhanced interrogation techniques" i.e torture. ICK
"Enhanced" indeed.
These guys really need to stop watching 24 for their security briefings.
I flew twice last week for the first time since the TSA bumped up security -- again. I'm still seething about the 3-1-1 liquids crap. And Chertoff spouting off nonsense about how its all in the name of security and protecting us and look, the Euros think it's such a good idea they're adopting it too!
Salil, pass the bottle and some pastries.
Explain me this: 3-1-1. Isn't there an extra one in there? It's 3 oz. bottles and one quart bag. Doesn't "one quart bag" imply what they claim the second one is (one per passenger)?
I love that *this* is what my tax money is being wasted on!
The moronic thing about it was that in addition to my 3-1-1 baggie I had two bottles of syrup (one NyQuil, one DayQuil) which were far more than 3 oz each. I even pointed that out to the TSA "security" personnel and they just waved me through -- didn't even bother to look in the bag and verify that it actually was NyQuil. This was for both flights, so a total of four times through security.
That and the damn shoe thing. Stupid Richard Reid. Makes me long for the days of cruel and unusual punishment.
This might be even more galling. The TSA auctions off the confiscated items...usually without even a cursory investigation into whether or not the items being sold are bombs or guns or whatever they purport anything fluid and in a quantity more than 3oz. must be.
"I still think America is making a mistake by not electing Edwards"
Obama's win is a victory over "identity politics"
The TSA idiocy will end once we enter the Age of Obama. I guess he's focused on halting the rising sea levels, and as soon as that's taken care of he'll get the TSA on track.
I like peeking my head into the world of leftards once in a while just for a grin. Thanks leftards!
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