1. John Edwards: Every time I think about crappy health care, huge co-pays and prescriptions draining my bank account I think about JE (not to be confused with JC although don't forget Jesus liked the poor and healing people too). Yes we have a chance for a good solid Progressive and maybe we can make some *gasp* progress!
2. Dennis Kucinich: Just saw Star Wars III again on Skinimax. Kucinich IS Yoda. Pointy ears. Wise words. Sees a lot of spaceships. Short. Handy with a light saber. Friendly with Large, hairy women (we all know what's behind Yoda's "good relations" with the Wookies. He's a freak!)
3. Chris Dodd: He's a bit of a speed-talker which is a problem because Americans can be slow-understanders. A cool stand on the senate floor, he speaks fluent Spanish...not a bad guy.
4. Barack Obama: Oprah likes him. He also does have a lot in common with JFK. He's charismatic, inexperienced, risky electorally and either he doesn't have a lot of policy ideas or is playing everything close to the vest (I believe the second, frankly.) Unlike JFK he doesn't have a quip for every occasion and also he tends to use big words most Americans don't understand. But wouldn't that be a relief after W?
5. Mike Gravel: "Imagine you had a chance in hell..."
6. Bill Richardson: Folksy only goes so far.
7. Joe Biden: Annoying life-long political insider.
8. Ron Paul: No NAFTA, no war--great; guns--fine (after the Bush administration I'm kind of glad the country is well-armed and hard to take over)...the rest not so much
9. Hillary Rodham Clinton: A wolf in sheep's clothing on war, trade and corporate welfare but we could use some progressive judges
10. John McCain: At least he's anti-torture (sort-of)
11. Alan Keyes: Easy to put him here because he has no shot. And he was in Borat!
12. Fred Thompson: This dude is comatose.
13. Duncan Hunter: Who?
14. Mitt Romney: Awful candidate and he "saw the Patriots win the World Series." Not even the Patriots are THAT good.
15. Rudy Giuliani: Slimy criminal taking shit from 9/11 firefighters. Wish I believed in Hell.
16. Mike Huckabee: "When fascism comes to this country, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross." That's what Bush was wrapped in. This guy is a dangerous fundamentalist and is looking to become the Ayatollah of America. God help us all.
Um, love the Kucinich pic!
I like your style. Except I have to admit I put Obama ahead of JE. My picture tells all.
If Obama gets the nod, I'll back him, no doubt. Edwards has been more progressive (and electable vs. Repubs in polls) but Obama isn't a bad guy at all.
Hate to say that even if the cyber-robot from hell--I mean, Hillary--gets the nomination, I'm pretty sure I'd vote for her unless something good (e.g. not Lyndon LaRouche) comes out of another party.
I doubt I'd vote for Hilary. I'd rather write Obama or Edwards in. I might even write in a 4th Tier Candidate. Like Mike Gravel.
We can lead the write-in revolution.
How important is it to elect a woman or a non-white person for the first time? Is it important at all, I wonder?
The conventional wisdom is, elect the right candidate for the job. But it sure seems like a lot of people aren't deciding based on stuff like "voting records" or "stances on policies." As usual, there's a lot of shoot-from-the-hip, my-gut-says, I-really-like kind of candidate picking.
I hope and pray this means we don't get a President Huckabee.
To me, the single most important issue is preventing an idiot President from being elected. And every red candidate I see qualifies as an idiot, while most of the blue candidates are at least promising in certain (very different) ways.
Out of all of us--on the basis of identity politics at least--I happen to be both female and non-white. I love women. I love non-white people. (Of course, I think the rest of you probably love women and non-white people too....)
I don't like Hillary Clinton's policies or persona. I find Obama's policies tolerable and his persona is unexceptional.
Edwards, to me, is one of the most electable and viable progressives, certainly in my lifetime if not longer. There are things about Edwards that I don't like and there are issues on which we don't agree, but I really feel like he has the commitment, vision, and hope to really effect change and to think about the people. His populism is heartwarming.
I was going to say more but... stay tuned for my next post.
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