Saturday, January 5, 2008

Please Step Aside, Pervez

I'm watching the Dem Debate right now--after a horrible, crushing Redskins loss--and I'm struck by Bill Richardson's optimism.

Charlie Gibson asks what Richardson would do if there were credible evidence of Pakistani awfulness.

Richardson replies, "I would ask Musharraf to step aside."

Um, yeah, that'll work.


Snarff said...

And then we'll politely ask bin Laden to shave his beard and become a born-again Christian! I forgot the number one rule of foreign policy: asking nicely.

Roopika Risam said...

That'll be my policy for dealing with muggers too.

"No, I won't give you my wallet. Please step aside."

Salil said...

That was my favorite point in the debate. He also said "Because we have that power."

We do?'s one's asked Musharraf to step aside?

"Hey Mushie, we're about to go after bin Laden. Please move three feet to your right."

But Bill did make a funny later with the whole, "Well, I've been in hostage negotiations that've been more civil than this."