Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rani Calls Richardson

Does anyone remember yesterday, when I predicted that Richardson would (a la Wilson-Phillips) "hold on for one more day"?

Well, some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye. Until then, baby, are you going to let them hold you down and make you cry?

I was right! Richardson dropped out of the election today.


Anonymous said...

Why did he hang on until NH anyway? He should have bagged it when Dodd and Biden did. His presence at the debate was a ridiculous sideshow. Good riddance.

D said...

Richardson has announced that he's going back to Washington State to help a boy named Jesse free a whale named Willy.

Snarff said...

It's amazing that a man as uncharismatic as Richardson has gotten this far in politics. Is everybody in New Mexico completely blah? I wonder if there has ever been an interesting person that grew up there. I'm too lazy to check this out so correct me if you know of someone.

D said...

The really sad thing (I'm being completely honest too) about this political process is that Richardson is probably the most qualified (with his various positions and experience) to be president. Out of both parties. This goes back to Rani's BBQ theory....

Roopika Risam said...

I wouldn't want Richardson at a BBQ because he'd eat all the food and hide any extras among his many chins!

Salil said...

I initially read the title as "Rani Calls Richardson," and thought...wait, what's she doing calling him? That's kind of messed up. Does she have some kind of multiple chin fetish?

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