Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Special Buddies Alert: Huck and Chuck

Muchas gracias to a colleague of mine for a tip on this particular gem. She also noted, "Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer--if only he cried."

I suppose I have little patience for politicians who try to get too hip with their ads (see: Hillary Clinton's Sopranos spoof). Inevitably, these politicians end up proving that they are tragically un-hip.

I came away from this ad thinking more about Chuck Norris than about Mike Huckabee. In fact, I'm ready to vote Norris 2008. Why? Consider Huckabee's assertions in the ad:

My plan to secure the border? Two words: Chuck Norris.
There's no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard, only another fist.
When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he isn't lifting himself up. He's pushing the ground down.
Chuck Norris doesn't endorse. He tells America how it's gonna be.

I'm a little scared. I want to move back up north where no one takes Chuck Norris seriously.


Anonymous said...

For the record, this colleague would like to say that she took neither Chuck Norris nor Huckabee seriously until this ad, when she decided that Huckabee was a smarter politician than she suspected. Note, however, that this new suspicion about Huckabee isn't something she is particularly pleased about. She's getting flashbacks from 1991. Not that she thinks Huckabee could be another Bill Clinton; she is an Arkansan, after all. (Since writing this comment, she has decided that referring to oneself in the third person can be v. amusing. She may do it more often.)

Anonymous said...

You take Huckabee seriously.... I take Chuck Norris seriously.... Maybe it's a regional thing?

Huckabee appears to be gaining on Giuliani. I don't really see the appeal of any of these people.

The election for me is like this season of America's Next Top Model. I'm not really thrilled about anyone who's still in the running to be America's Next Top President. Of course, John Edwards does have a very very special place in my heart.

Anonymous said...

Some more Huckabee nuttiness:
“There’s only one explanation for it, and it’s not a human one,” Huckabee said. “It’s the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of 5,000 people and that’s the only way that our campaign could be doing what it’s doing."

Crazy all on its own, but what "boy" is Huckabee talking about? Jesus was in his 30s when he is said to have fed 5,000 with the loaves and fishes. Also the apostles weren't boys either and they collected the loaves. For a "minister" he doesn't know Jesus too well. Maybe the "power" he's talking about is Chuck Norris.

Roopika Risam said...


I just nearly snarfed my cracker.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee = someone to take seriously because someone in his campaign has figured out how to appeal to a very credulous segment of the American population. I would much rather not take him seriously. I only do so because of the threat he may pose to a Democrat taking office after Bush II finally leaves.

D said...

Rani - It's like ANTP but backwards, the autistic candidate already won the last two elections.

Snarff - Huckabee is referring to the time when Chuck Norris was a boy and fed 5,000 ninjas with his two feet and 5 fists. His apostles were Bruce Lee and Kareem Abdul-Jabar.

Salil said...

Darren, Bruce Lee was NEVER Chuck's apostle. That guy was tougher than diamond-coated nails pounded into steel.

Chuck Norris was barely qualified to hold the guy's drink between fights.*

*I was going to say "sponge the guy's dick" but I thought some of you might find that offensive.