Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Likely Story

Two pieces of news out of Pakistan:

1) Terror suspect flees.

2) Emergency rule ends, was meant to preserve democracy.

Okay. Help me think this through. Musharraf announces the end of the Emergency, stating that he had to implement emergency rule due to a threat to Pakistan's democracy. (And here I didn't even know that Pakistan ever had democracy. What country does, these days?) So let me get this straight. Musharraf had to squash democracy to preserve democracy. Fascinating. 1984 much?

Meanwhile, this fleeing terror suspect news coincides with Musharraf's democratic pronouncement. What better a way to reinforce the legitimacy of the Emergency and freak people out a little all at once?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's amazing how much doublespeak we're expected to believe.