I'll make this short and scary: Rupert Murdoch, the guy who brings you Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, is one of Senator Hillary Clinton's biggest supporters. Not only did he host a fundraiser for Hillary in 2006, but he has donated thousands of his personal funds. Moreover, he has led a bundling effort that has netted almost $100k for Senator Clinton's campaign from his fascist media concern, News Corp. This makes News Corp a top 20 supporter. Sen. Clinton has returned the favor by attending Fox News' 10th anniversary party.
Why would the head of Fox News support a leftist candidate? He wouldn't. Murdoch knows what all too many Americans ignore: Hillary Clinton is a right wing candidate. She is hawkish on every war that the NeoCons trot in front of Congress. She insists that someone making $96,000 a year is "middle class" (even though only 6% of America makes that.)
Hillary Clinton is someone who is once again responsive to only the needs of the rich and powerful. Murdoch's Fox News is the propaganda voice of the rich and powerful. This is not a mistake: the network that brought you Bush II is ready to bring you Hillary. Be afraid.
Afraid? Nah. This is business as usual. There are things to be afraid of. This is not one of them by a long shot.
Another explanation is that Rupert is hedging his bets. Murdoch and Hillary have absolutely nothing in common, really.
All the talk about how Hillary is really just another neocon dismisses the important places where she differs rather drastically from the neocon (and specifically the evangelical right) agenda.
She's not pro-war at all. She's also progressive on immigration, healthcare, and taxation.
Conflating her agenda with the likes of Giuliani, Romney and Huckabee (!) is painting with a rather broad brush...
Though then again, this is kind of like Feingold showing up at a Hitler Youth Rally fundraiser. Strange, huh?
Interesting article about the middle class at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21272238/page/3/
I'm leery of simply taking 96K as a sign of fabulous wealth. You have to look at what 96K can actually buy you depending on a host of factors, not the least of which is where you happen to live. What constitutes a middle class lifestyle these days?
Granted, it's a bit myopic of Hillary to use a particular income figure to denote the middle class. Opens her up to all shorts of charges such as elitism, being out of touch, shilling for the wealthy...
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