Friday, December 7, 2007

Entertainment Extra: Chubby Chasers of the World Unite

Tonight, I found myself watching MTV's Return to Fat Camp. Now, I present you a poem that I've written in response.

Logan cried because her hair clips had lice
and then ate McDonald's BBQ sauce on her ice
cream. Dan wouldn't avoid the temptation to moan
and called his parents so much they took away his cell phone.
Sam weighed only 144 pounds
but, my, was that spare tire round.
Formerly obese Camp director, Tony Sparber,
is the world's most creepiest chubby chaser.
He might find himself immortalized forever and ever
when he's forced, as a sex offender, to register.
From what I could see (take it from me),
the kids at Fat Camp could use a little more therapy.


Anonymous said...

Ah, pervy...

Katie Aberbach said...

BBQ sauce on ice cream? really?!? that is so gross.

Rani of Kuch Nahi said...

Okay, so the BBQ sauce wasn't on ice cream. I took liberties for the sake of rhyme. BUT, she did eat the BBQ sauce out of the packet with just her fingers. Nas-terrific.